A beautiful bouquet of white poinsettias with red roses peeking out, and a hint of little Christmas tree branches make this a stunning and festive bouquet.
Photography By: Caroline King Photography
A four-tiered gingerbread wedding cake, with a gingerbread couple on the top, and mini candy canes scattered about.
Photography By: One Fine Day Photography
A monogram projection of the newlywed’s names, in blue and white, with snowflakes falling around for a Winter Wonderland feel in the Firenze Ballroom.
Photography By: Leslie Ann Photography
The reception hall decked in Christmas themed decor of poinsettias and Christmas garland centerpieces, candles, red lighting, and lit up trees outside. Mini present boxes are placed on the tables for the guests to enjoy.
Photography By: One Fine Day Photography
An elegant blue themed Winter Wonderland background, with five Christmas trees decked out in snowflakes and blue ornaments dangling from the branches.
Photography By: Lasting Images Photography
A Winter Wonderland themed welcome sign with snowflakes placed along the border.
Photography By: Leslie Ann Photography