December 8, 2012, brought a lively wedding celebration as Christina and Daniel exchanged vows and celebrated their wedding day at Villa Siena. Christina wore a tiara in her hair with a fitted strapless gown that was reminiscent of the Southern Belles of days past. The ruffled skirt brought to mind strolling through parks, while the smile of the bride spoke to a life spent living for the fun of it. Christina’s blue beaded shoes brought a spark of color to the outfit, while a traditional lace garter spoke to tradition. The bridesmaids wore crimson dresses with a single shoulder strap and carried bouquets of white and purple flowers. The aisle was strewn with pink and white petals while votive candles floated on vases full of water, both on the altar and along the aisle.
After the ceremony ended, the bride, groom and wedding party walked down the aisle to LMFAO’s Shots. The couple’s sense of humor was carried over to the reception where the bride and bridesmaids choreographed a dance to Wobble Baby by V.I.C. However the couple’s first dance together as husband and wife took on a softer tone as Etta James’ version of First Song played.
A birdcage was ready for guests to drop off cards, while pimp goblets labeled ‘King’ and ‘Queen’ marked the seats for the bride and groom. The mix of traditional with modern continued with a very traditional all-white cake. The four-tiered delight alternated plain layers and lace layers with edible flowers on the smooth layers. Inside the cake alternated chocolate and vanilla.
For favors, snowflake cookie cutters were given. The guests had a blast throughout the day. Congratulations Christina and Daniel. We wish days filled with laughter and nights filled love. And if all else fails just Wobble Baby!
Photography by: Arizona Photos