As the white roses bloomed, Luisiana, Oswaldo and their family and friends gathered at Villa Siena to celebrate their love. Three flower girls, all eager to throw their petals, set the stage for the bride and her bridesmaids. Luisana was radiant in a fitted gown with gauze sleevelets and beaded detailing. The bride wore a headband of flowers encrusted with diamonds and pearls, while her bouquet of white roses and mini roses was fastened with satin ribbon and a diamond and pearl brooch. To add a little spunk her look, the bride donned hot pink heels. Oswaldo looked fantastic in a black tuxedo with white tie, white vest and a white rose in his lapel. A friend played piano as the bridal party walked down the aisle. During the outdoor ceremony, a surprise dust storm descended, but the ceremony went on. Once the storm blew over, the couple exchanged love letters that they had written to one another, reading them outloud. They chose a sand ceremony to symbolize the merging of their lives together. During the ceremony, there was a guitar performance of Bruno Mars’ You’re Beautiful. The rest of the day was celebrated in style with a Mariachi band playing during dinner. Pink and orange roses and daisies that filled tall crystal vases on each table accented the bright feel of the day. The vases sat on mirrors surrounded by votives. There were also handmade satin aisle decorations and fans for guests. I don’t think anyone will forget the passionate kiss the couple shared under the signature Villa Siena sparkler farewell. Congratulations Luisana and Oswald, we know you will have a joyous future together.
Photography by: Terry McKaig Photography