Photography By: Creative Images in Motion
Ashlee and Josh celebrated their October 13, 2011 marriage with a lovely LDS Come and Go reception here at Villa Siena. Ashlee and Josh had some beautiful photos taken prior to the day of the wedding which were on display for guests to view as they entered the reception area. An adorable video of the couple was also playing for guests to enjoy while waiting to visit with the newlyweds. Ashlee and Josh’s guest book was a charming picture book in which guests could write their well wishes around each photo. A fabulous buffet overflowing with Mexican food, fruit and other favorites was set up outdoors on this perfect Arizona October weather. Guests were also delighted to see a candy table filled with tantalizing sweet choices! At the end of the night, the couple was sent off by their friends and family in a spectacular sparkler shower! Congratulations Ashlee and Josh and best wishes from Villa Siena!