There is something beautiful about the classic color combination of red, black and white. Colette and Chris chose this color palette for their wedding February 21, 2014.

For attire, Colette wore a strapless wedding gown with silver embroidered detail that led into a full skirt that was also embroidered. The dress buttoned down the back into a train. Colette’s hair was worn in a half up-do with dangling diamond earrings and a crucifix around her neck. In her hair she wore a flower fascinator. Red roses mixed with white calla lilies and white baby’s breath for the bridal bouquet. Chris wore a black tuxedo with white shirt, tie and vest. In his pocket rested a red handkerchief. His groomsmen wore black tuxedos with red vests and ties. Her bridesmaids wore strapless red gowns with gathered skirts. They also carried red and white floral bouquets. A sand ceremony integrated the couple’s lives as one with black and white sand. Speakers at the wedding ceremony included the couple’s daughter, the bride’s mom and the groom’s mom.

Instead of the traditional guest sign-in book, guests were encouraged to sign puzzle pieces that would fit together later.
During the reception the couple opened the microphone up to anyone who wished to give a speech. As a result, both friends and family came up to speak. To toast, the wedded couple drank out of champagne glasses with a tuxedo on one and a wedding dress on the other. At the base of the glasses ‘for better or worse…’ and ‘from this day forward…’ were written. On either side of the couple sat their two daughters, who later got up and sang Roar by Katie Perry.

For the first dance, Sade’s By Your Side played, followed by the mother/son dance to Cupid Shuffle and the father/daughter dance to Love You by Celine Dion.
The wedding cake was done in a hexagonal shape with red satin wrapping each of the three tiers with red satin dividers. On top of the cake, puzzle pieces in the shape of a bride and groom stood.
Congratulations Colette and Chris. May your lives together be a puzzle with one more piece always waiting to be discovered. We wish you the best.
Photography by: One Fine Day Photography
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