Jessica & Brandon ~ October 1, 2011

Photography By: Fable Photography

Jessica and Brandon were married at Villa Siena in a beautiful outdoor ceremony on October 1, 2011. Jessica wowed guests and her husband to be, when she strolled down the aisle in her gorgeous strapless sequin covered gown.  Jessica’s gown was complimented by a tasteful tiara in her fabulously coiffed hair.    Jessica and Brandon’s ceremony was beautiful in the way it highlighted not only a union between the two of them, but a union with Brandon’s sons Mason and Matthew as well.   Jessica and Brandon took part in a special wine ceremony in which they mixed two wines which they would drink together at the reception which followed. They also took that time to introduce and explain a wine box,  in which they had tucked away letters to each other that would be opened on their anniversary and read over a the bottle of wine which was also in the box.   The plan was for the couple to rewrite letters to each other each year and to seal them in the box until their next anniversary, continuing the yearly tradition. Jessica and Brandon’s touching ceremony was truly the bonding of a family which was to be “Together Today and Forever” as their engraved tags stated.  Congratulations Jessica and Brandon, it was an honor to be a part of your special day!