Jessica & Josh ~ January 3, 2014 


Fun and love filled the air when Jessica and Josh were married at Villa Siena January 3, 2014. They started the New Year with a celebration of friends and family and a commitment to love one another for the rest of their lives. By the couple’s second date, Jessica knew they were ‘soul mates.’


For the ceremony the couple wrote their own personal and heartfelt vows. Jessica wore a strapless gown with rouching and beaded detailing across the bust and a hoop skirt. The bride’s veil was attached with a headband encrusted with pearls. Both the bride and bridesmaids carried bouquets of red roses accented with an assortment of white flowers. The bridesmaids wore black knee-length dresses in different styles, each with a red sash. The Maid of Honor had a red silk dress with black lace.

Josh wore a black tuxedo with black shirt, red tie and a fedora while his groomsmen wore black tuxedos with white shirts and red ties.


The couple chose a masquerade theme for the wedding. Guests were invited to wear Venetian masks for the reception. The reception table was decorated with masks, a guest book and red roses.

During dinner guests were invited to ring miniature bells that came with a card saying ‘today as we are gathered together – wish us a love to last forever. If you would like us to share a wedded kiss, ring the bell for lifelong bliss.’


During cocktail hour, a pork carving station was offered. The wedding cake was a topsy-turvy cake of four layers decorated with a road running through the layers and road sign landmarks made of fondant to signify places they have been and plan to go. An Italian dessert table, that included flower lollipops in red, green and white among other desserts, allowed guests to further indulge their sweet tooth.

As the couple took to the dance floor, Jessica and Josh danced a beautifully choreographed first dance.


Congratulations Jessica and Josh. May the certainty of your love for one another guide you through the years ahead. We wish you the best.

Photography by: David De Dios Photography

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