Meghan and Gus brought friends and family together for their wedding ceremony and reception December 27, 2013. The depth of their love was clear as the bride teared up after the ceremony when her groom took her in his arms. Meghan brought a classic look to the ceremony with a strapless gown with drop waist… Read more »
Cameron and Ryan met at track practice in high school. Their romance continued to grow until they were married at Villa Siena December 18, 2013. The bride and bridesmaids showed their spunk by wearing cowgirl boots throughout the wedding ceremony and reception. The cowboy theme continued with cowboy boots filled with flowers for the celebration…. Read more »
Cameron and Ryan met at track practice in high school. Their romance continued to grow until they were married at Villa Siena December 18, 2013. The bride and bridesmaids showed their spunk by wearing cowgirl boots throughout the wedding ceremony and reception. The cowboy theme continued with cowboy boots filled with flowers for the celebration…. Read more »
Early December marked the marriage of Sara and Jake at Villa Siena, December 7, 2013. The couple had a traditional wedding ceremony that included a sand ceremony where blue and white sands were poured together to signify the interweaving of their lives. The couple had an evening reception where the outdoor altar was lit… Read more »
Early December marked the marriage of Sara and Jake at Villa Siena, December 7, 2013. The couple had a traditional wedding ceremony that included a sand ceremony where blue and white sands were poured together to signify the interweaving of their lives. The couple had an evening reception where the outdoor altar was lit… Read more »
Francine and Andres were married in a church on November 30, 2013. The couple joined us at Villa Siena for their reception. Francine was a beautiful bride in a wedding gown with rouching across the upper bodice of the dress and caplet lace sleeves. A beaded belt added definition to the gown, while a… Read more »