Wedding Talk

Chantel & Mitch’s Review of Villa Siena

“WE LOVED KAYLA! She was so nice and responsive to everything! She really cared about what she was doing and did her best to answer our questions quickly and was very personable” – Chantel & Mitch ~ January 10, 2013

Quynh & Eric ~ December 16, 2012

On December 16, 2012 Quynh and Eric were married at Villa Siena. Because weather can be cool for Arizona in December, the couple chose an indoor wedding ceremony and reception. Indoor ceremonies are usually held in La Stanza Chianciano. La Stanza Chianciano is approximately 2,100 square feet with seating for up to 150 guests. Red… Read more »

Quynh & Eric ~ December 16, 2012

On December 16, 2012 Quynh and Eric were married at Villa Siena. Because weather can be cool for Arizona in December, the couple chose an indoor wedding ceremony and reception. Indoor ceremonies are usually held in La Stanza Chianciano. La Stanza Chianciano is approximately 2,100 square feet with seating for up to 150 guests. Red… Read more »

Chantel & Mitch ~ January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013 joined Chantel and Mitch in love and in life. The couple met at the bank they both worked at. After Mitch left, they stayed in touch and went to dinner and movies together. In December 2011, at a Christmas party, friends asked if they were finally together and if not, why not?… Read more »

Chantel & Mitch ~ January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013 joined Chantel and Mitch in love and in life. The couple met at the bank they both worked at. After Mitch left, they stayed in touch and went to dinner and movies together. In December 2011, at a Christmas party, friends asked if they were finally together and if not, why not?… Read more »

Nina & Landon ~ January 3, 2013

To bring in the beginning of the New Year, January 3, 2013, Nina and Landon got married at Villa Siena. What better way to start a new year than by committing to the one you love? Love has been a theme throughout the couple’s relationship. It was at a Valentine’s Day party that Nina first… Read more »