Rachel looked absolutely breathtaking in her strapless white gown, adorned with a delicate diamond necklace, as she pledged her love to her husband Matt at Villa Siena, March 31, 2012. Since the happy couple met at a hospital they both work in, they decided to incorporate a medical theme for decorations. No open-heart surgery was necessary for Rachel and Matt to open their hearts and their souls to one another during the ceremony. As guests adjourned to the reception, they were guided to their tables by medical terms instead of table numbers. While the reception was the first day of the rest of their lives together, the couple chose ‘Last Night on Earth’ by Green Day. And indeed, the night was celebrated as if it could have been the last night on earth. No one held back on sharing love, fun and festivities. Then the really big news of the night came. First the sister of the bride offered a heartfelt toast. But when the two best men got up to speak, they had more than words of advice or memories to share, they had an announcement to make; they told the gathering of Rachel’s pregnancy. There was a flush of excitement in the room. Fortunately there were mini first aid kits as wedding favors in case anyone was feeling faint with happiness. The evening was captured with cameras left on each table and we can’t wait to see what moments were captured. To help guests stay refreshed, a gelato bar and cake were enjoyed by all. The farewell included a sparkler exit, which is always a favorite moment for us at Villa Siena. Congratulations Rachel and Matt. We hope every day is as much of a celebration as your wedding day.
Photography by: Colling Photography